A client is coming at short notice ? A leaving do for a staff member or good results to be celebrated in a team ? A simple call is all it takes to order everything you need and to give your office a festive atmosphere where you can enjoy dishes tailored to your wishes without having to go to the effort of finding a restaurant. With our “ready-made” solutions, you won’t have to waste precious hours preparing a lunch and you can focus on your core business: your clients, your colleagues or your business. Without however neglecting what many consider to be a mere detail but which, for Royale Dujardin, is of the utmost importance: a quality meal. A marriage, a communion, a birthday or simply an evening with friends to be organised without going to any effort ? Just take a look at the range of possibilities available to the general public and hand us the apron!
Take your pick among the formulae below or contact us for further information or for a made-to-measure offer.